Venue Generously Provided By

Naperville North High School

In Partnership With

Versiti Blood Centers

Car Show Featuring Select Cars From

The Hamilton Collection

THC new

Media & Publicity Provided By

Arrowhead Communications

Web Services & Hosting

Provided By 3 Won

Monarch Butterfly Sponsors ($2,500)

Painted Lady Butterfly Sponsors ($1,000)


The Shinkle Family

Made by Mary

The Robinson Family

Empire Remodeling & Roofing

Swallowtail Butterfly Sponsors ($500)

Additional Partnerships

As an organization that doesn’t raise money outside of the individual families and businesses who sponsor the May event, it takes a lot of additional support to pull off this big day. These companies generously work with the budget we have to make extraordinary things possible. Please check them out for any events you have!

Additional Support Kindly Provided By...

Team Challenge Pizza Party

Donated by Little Pops

A Pint For Kim Logo

Designed by Kelly Reif

Staff & Volunteer Coffee Kick-Off

Provided by Starbucks

Student Volunteers Provided By

Wheel Dawgs NNHS Club